Above is a photo of us dipping our back wheels in the Atlantic Ocean before departing for our first ride to Suffolk, Virginia. With a little sand in our brakes, we pedaled 54 miles to a church with awesome swings (this is it's only notable feature. It also had a stage with band equipment, which we were banned from using which was lame).

Day 2 of biking we head to Waverly Virginia, where I am sweep for the day with Liz. (Sweep refers to the two riders that ride in the back behind everyone else with extra supplies and a tire and med kit, and make sure all the riders get to the host site safely). The sweep gets to come up with a challenge for the riders, just something to do along their ride that sweep reviews at the end of the day and chooses a winner.

Our sweep challenge was for every rider group (usually 3-6 riders) to form a band, come up with a punny band name, and take a photo for their album cover which they must appropriately title. Needless to say, the results were fantastic. Liz and I decided to participate in our own sweep challenge because we're that awesome. See photo below:
The Scare Hoes: rap duo recently dropped their album Mo' Money Crow Problems
Today we rode from Waverly to Victoria Virginia, 76 miles. Relatively hilly with a semi strong headwind, but overall a solid ride. My lunch was peanut butter, Nutella, and a banana on a bagel: highly recommended. Riders ahead of us had DM'd (DM stands for Donation Magic; basically when people give us free stuff cuz we're awesome and a nonprofit) food from the Tastey Freeze, so we stopped in for some ice cream. I'll say this about it: milk was a bad choice. The 7 miles between Tastey Freeze and the host site was all hills, and after a generous helping of icey cream, I vomited everywhere.

Victoria Virginia, as it turns out, is home of nothing, so our evening consisted of stretching and watching Arrested Development at the host site.
Eat like a champion, or just a really hungry biker
The Tally:
Giant snakes on the side of the road: 2
DMs: 2
Wheels dipped in the Atlantic: 29
Hose showers: 1
Jars of Nutella destroyed: 2
Episodes of Arrested Development watched: 7

Band Names:
Scare Hoes
Derail Your Innocence: Chain Metal band
Crank Set Revival: Rap Reggae band
Lube Tang Clan: Rap group (freestyle performed by Ben)

Some groups went so far as to write their first single...

Crank Set Revival's single:
We wheeled and turned and tumbled down in the sand now
We bike and build across the country and the land now
I got my chain and lube and tires up on the ground now
The sun is pretty hot but we're gon' make it to the next town
Because I got my cue sheet on my bars unless I let it drop
But all I know is B&B will make the pain stop

Pedals on Fire- Straight from Hell
By Derail Your Innocence
Hazard in spandexxx
Defy Giant hazards
Clipping in....clipping in....

*lyrics in caps are screamed

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