After the appropriate number of name games and icebreakers, we feasted on catered Qdoba and expressed our excitement about the summer ahead. We learned about the saddle sores and fungal rashes we will probably encounter, as well as the day to day schedule and general rules.

Today we went on our first ride: a breezy 15 miler to a lighthouse on a naval base where Ben took this photo (I'm behind the bike..which been insisted added to the photo. Thanks, Ben).

Things I've encountered thus far:
6 skits acting out the Bike & Build handbook
1 tire explosion (literally. Exploded.)
4 graphic photos of naked butts with saddle sores
1 very long lecture on hygene
28 incredible young people that are totally stoked to bike across the country.

Tomorrow, we ride!

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    The chronicles of my cross-country bike adventure. 


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