Our ride from Summersville to Charleston marked the fourth day in a row of over 70 miles logged on our bikes. Our amazing host Dennis sent us off with some insightful advice, being a cyclist himself. He told us to enjoy the ride, and not race to the destination without stopping along the way to smell the roses or check out a weird thrift shop. He also told us that it's going to rain, so we just have to laugh at the rain. Tough days are inevitable, and we have to make the best of them and maybe even enjoy them; they end up making the best stories.

A church lady woke up at 2:30 in the morning to bake us homemade biscuits, I'm convinced she was an angel. The ride was almost all downhill (there were some climbs but nothing compared to the last three days). The route was tricky with unlabeled turns, so when we got to mile 53 and hadn't seen the trailer for lunch, we assumed Kyle had gotten lost (he did. Kyle sucks.)

We pushed through to Charleston stopping for snickers bars and snacking before pounding out the last 20 miles to arrive at the host around 2. At dinner, we presented Abram with our sweep challenge gifts (items found for him along the road) which included:
-sparklers from a sketchy fireworks stand on the road
-a piece of a watermelon rind with "Happy 19th Birthday Abram" carved into it
-a happy 60th birthday banner found in a bin labeled "free stuff" and a flea market
Abram chose the 60th birthday banner, which he then wore out to the bar that night.

We ventured to a bar called Adelphia, which we overtook with our crew of 20+ thirsty young people and ordered 8 towers of beers. Of course this lead to multiple rounds of the game up chickens down chickens, for which there was no winner.

This ride was only 50 miles, and super flat, so it took us almost no time at all. We started the day eating breakfast with the homeless of Charleston at St John's church where they serve 2 meals a day to whoever needs them. This was awesome getting to know some new people and branching outside of our bike & build bubble, I loved hearing their stories and sharing my own.

I had my first successful DM today! I got us all Dairy Queen ice cream, AND donuts from this pirate place (they give you the donuts in a pirates chest...awesome).

Currently icing my saddle sores...
Night out in Charleston- beer tower!

Our build day in Charleston began with us getting on our bikes for a whopping 3 mile ride to the Charleston ReStore- arguably the nicest in the country! They have a community education room where they hold home owning classes and other community meetings, which is decorated with local art and an awesome coat rack made of pipes.
Every ReStore I've been to has been piles of dirty parts and lumber you have to dig through to find what you're looking for, and they're usually in desperate need of organization. This ReStore looked like a legit furniture store, and it works so well that its profits fund 50% of Habitat homes in Charleston!

We got a tour if the store and were then put to work organizing the warehouse for a few hours, which sparkled when we were done with it. Because of the rain, we were sent home early and had a bunch of free time that afternoon to explore the city.

Charleston is much cooler than I was expecting- I mostly fell in love with this one coffee shop slash book store slash pottery/clay store called Taylor Books. We also went to an antique shop and the Farmers Market, where I got some amazing trail mix.
Just a little cuddle puddle
Beer towers consumed: 8
Lunch stop disasters: 1
Birthday boys: 2!
Cuddle puddles: so many. See above photo
Knee injuries: ~5
6/12/2013 11:21:51 pm

We loved having you guys in Charleston, Nora. Keep peddlin'!


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